About us

logo:KNG Asia trading with China in BeijingFurniture HQ is part of KNG Asia, a trading company with main office in Beijing, China. (see: www.kngasia.com )
KNG Asia is a registered holding company in Hong Kong and a local Chinese registered company (WOFE) in Beijing.
We have offices in France, USA, Taiwan.
Inside China we've established a network of partners in most of the important area's.

About Furniture-HQ; click to read about FHQ's history, services, name and logo

The management

The general management is made up of it's three main shareholders, 3 young entrepreneurial men (1 French, 1 American, 1 Belgian) with many years experience in China.
A combined 20 years experience in doing business in China, read more about it in : history.

The staff

Our dedicated team consists of mainly native Chinese with specialties in sourcing, accounting, sourcing, sales and wood-technology.

To read more about Furniture HQ, please go to "What is Furniture-HQ"?
Social Media about us
In modern day marketing companies must be present on sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Alibaba, etc ... In China thoses are Weibo, QQ, Taoba, etc ...

KNG Asia's departments can be found on the most important ones. We have a blog about wood on Weibo, furniture on Facebook, company pages on Linked In, etc ...
It's a prefect way to follow us.

Besides that we have regular newsletters sent to members for specific departments. 

Soon, we'll put a full overview here.
