This is the new version of , it is still very much "under construction..."
Please do visit the old version for now :
... and have a peak at what the
eFRED will be like.

This is more than just a personal homepage!
You are invited to check out the categories underneath.

Do not forget to look at the site overview !
... and the LINKS page

The categories :
Business     China    personal    sports    photo's     other websites    and so on


"money makes the world go round ..."

  • Furniture

  • Lingerie

  • 2nd hand

  • apartment

  • e-Shops

  • webdesign

  • study Chinese

  • Multi Level Marketing

  • product overview

  • Sourcing

  • hotel

  • China

Fre Der bau

aka. Derbaudrenghien Frederic on


"forgotten Middle-Land"

  • What is China?

  • Mandarin

  • Blog's

  • Personal experiences

  • Business in China

  • Olympic games 2008

  • Culture and history

  • Beijing

  • Photo's